Customer Voice

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90% of consumers say they’ll only consider using a business if they have an average rating of 3-5 stars. 

Therefore, it is critical for a business to capture their customers feedback, frequently and preferably positive. Customers are more likely to leave a review if they have had a negative experience, however, customers are also more likely to leave a review if they have been asked or if there is an incentive to do so.

Unfortunately, there may be times when a business will receive a negative review. Although businesses are always after positive reviews, when dealt with correctly negative reviews are a useful for a business to grow and develop. Within the Customer Voice tool your client will be able to respond to reviews rapidly and offer suggested ways of dealing with the review.

With the Customer Voice feedback tool, you can help your clients with this process! Within this product your clients can gather customer experiences to boost online star power and drive more business. Within the product there is the option for your clients to reach their customers via email or text, and collect reviews on the sites that are most important to their business.

·       Proactively and easily request reviews from happy customers

·       Direct customers to leave reviews on preferred review sites